This is us - 24/7.
We don't like to brag (99% of the time, people would probably consider us pretty humble), but we have a fantastic life. We have amazing kids, a wonderful extended family, our "forever" home, jobs we love, and good friends. But what really makes our life so rich and complete is the simple fact that we get to live it authentically and together. And for us, to be authentic to ourselves and each other means to live in a 24/7 D/s dynamic.
Being in a 24/7 dynamic is one of the most challenging endeavors we've ever decided to take on. It's basically the opposite of "set it and forget it." It's constant. Constant communication, constant mindfulness, constant intentionality. It can get a little rough because - spoiler alert! - we're human and imperfect. But it can also provide the most incredible, liberating, intimate, mindful experiences and state of being that we have ever felt. Our dynamic has brought us closer to our own true selves and to each other.
We wanted to start this site as a space to share our experiences - the good, the bad, and the ugly - as a married 40-something couple with a family and real life who just happens to maintain a 24/7 lifestyle. We want to share all of the joys and obstables of this dynamic that has brought so much more love into our lives in the hope that, should anyone stumble across it, there might be some point of normalization and connection.