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Have Spanking Bench, Will Travel

Or, how we spent our seven-day D/s honeymoon in the desert instead of going to Hawaii. Or something.

Welcome to our blog and to our first post! We'll get into the details of our amazingly awesome D/s desert honeymoon in a bit, but first we want to give you a preview of the formatting that all future posts will follow. I am the Dominant in this relationship, so my part of the post will be prefaced by an uppercase D.

Like so ...

D: when we asked ourselves what we wanted most out of a honeymoon, we inevitably got online and bought a spanking bench.

Likewise, as my Dom's submissive, I'll preface my entries with a lowercase s. For example,

s: Every person we know thought we were either incredibly lame or lazy to have chosen to go to the West Texas desert for our honeymoon.

So now that you know the format, back to the topic at hand...

D: At some point after I asked the love of my life to marry me (and after she said 'yes') I started thinking of honeymoon ideas. None of the typical honeymoon destinations really sounded great. Neither one of us were in a hurry to hop on cruise or find some saccharine-sweet-romantic beach. After living under the pall of our impending vanilla-style honeymoon for a couple of weeks it dawned on us: of course we could never pull off anything vanilla - we're D/s through and through. Our post-nuptial vacation would have to be designed with our dynamic in mind. There would be no tours. No museums that we'd feel obligated to walk through. No sites to be seen that didn't include me flogging my submissive, or her begging for permission to cum.

s: Awwww, so perfectly said and true! I'm not even sure that we had any formal discussion about our plan - we both just knew that if we had the gift of seven days alone, we were going to take every toy, every tool, every costume, every scene idea and go nuts.

Of course, when we informed our friends and family of our plan, it came off as the most dull idea of all time. It basically went like this: "Yeah! Sooo, we just feel like we need to unplug, you know? Go out to the desert, grill, look at stars, maybe do some crosswords, and finally catch up on that backlog of New Yorkers!" Which was invariably met with a quizzical look and slow, "Okaaaay...really?" It was hilarious, honestly. I think we both kind of loved the trickery of our faux vanilla trip.

Fast-forward to six days into our desert adventure:

We have successfully...

  • not gotten out of bed until 1pm every day (except one - and that was only because we booked a spa day at the ungodly hour of 1pm)

  • played with kinks that we've heretofore been unable to

  • used all toys, tools, furniture

  • eaten really, really, really well (and equally late - dinner at midnight, anyone?)

  • exercised exactly two times

  • read a shared book! (This one is kind of shocking - we actually did something lol)

What we've learned from this experience: we adore being alone together. We adore exploring and questioning and taking our time with each other. We adore the slow pace and quiet that being in the West Texas desert brings. We adore our spanking bench. Like, a lot.

D: Yep, that thing is worth its weight in gold. It's portable, can be easily dis-assembled and boxed, and will fit in the back of your car with all of your other toys/gear (yes, my truck was basically a mobile sex dungeon by the time packing was finished). It made our mornings whenever I could wake up my submissive and tell her to wait for me on the bench. Starting her day by getting used and spanked really enabled her to delve deeper into her state, and things only got more intense as the week unfolded. Using all 7 days of our honeymoon to practice our dynamic had such an immediate and powerful impact that we're already planning more trips with the same core concept in mind: our dynamic will not only determine the itenerary, it is the itenerary.

It wasn't solely about the bench and the toys and the scenes, though. We also had time and space to let our dynamic evolve outside of the bedroom. By setting the intention up front to devote this time to our non-vanilla relationship, it gave us the freedom to really let go and explore every aspect.

s: That really was the most special takeaway from our week - we remembered that it is so important to just let go. Not just in our dynamic, but in all things. When we are able to do that together, that's where the magic is. So now as we think about packing up and returning to reality, we're more motivated than ever to hold onto that spirit of letting go for each other and being more intentional about caring for our dynamic once real life kicks back in.

D: Isn't it beautiful? The newest member of our family 😀

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