s: This topic is, in equal parts, hilarious and cringe-worthy. On multiple levels. It gets to the heart of the "realness" of living a 24/7 lifestyle: it's being outed because, you know, constantly re-hiding and re-cleaning and removing can get confusing and forgotten in the midst of that annoying thing called Life.
Don't get me wrong. We're in no way ashamed of our lifestyle choice. But we do value discretion. For us, our dynamic is simply ours - it's how we choose to move through the world with each other and it doesn't really need to be a topic of conversation with our family, friends and colleagues. I feel okay speaking for both of us when I say that we're both fairly introverted and low-key - the mere thought of having anyone do a double-take on either one of our accounts sends shivers down our spines. All we want is to live out our often-loud, accessory-laden, somewhat sadomasochistic tendancies in privacy, for mercy's sake! Is that too much to ask??
D: Somewhat sadomasochistic?! That will have to be remedied...
When we started talking about this as a possible topic for our next post I couldn't help but mentally list out every time we were (or probably were) "busted." The most clear cut one is when one of us (ok, it was me) left a butt plug out and it was definitely discovered by an elderly family member. My good girl did as she was told and removed the plug and left it out for me so I could put it back with the rest of our fun stuff. Long story short, when I finally got around to putting it up, it was moved, and then that's when it slowly and horrifyingly dawned on me that said elderly family member had been in the vicinity...woops.
Then there was the time my IT guy remoted onto my laptop and I accidentally had my Kindle library up. I'm just going to let your imagination run wild with that one.
Or the time the flogger was left on the nightside table on the day we hired someone to do some work in our bedroom.
Or the time a contractor went into our closet where our toys are usually kept in a drawer.
Do I need to keep going??
The point is this: for two people who declare themselves to value discretion, we are terrible sneaks.
